
Privacy Policy and Cookies

This Policy is directed to the users of the website https://wizytowka2.devyourweb.pl/. The Policy describes the rules for collecting and using data of the site's users, which are collected directly from them or through cookies and similar technologies.

Data Administrator and Contact Information

The administrator of the data collected in connection with the use of the site is [Company name] with its headquarters at [Address] tel. [Phone number] email [Email]. For matters related to the processing of your data by the Administrator, you can contact us using the above contact details, or reach out to the designated Data Protection Officer at the Administrator at the email address: [DPO Email].

Scope of Collected Data

  • The Service allows you to contact the Administrator and provide your identification, contact information, as well as information related to the content of your message.
  • The Administrator collects data related to your activity, such as time spent on the site, searched phrases, number of subpages viewed, date and source of visit.

Source of Data

  • If you have contacted the Administrator, the data was provided directly by you.
  • If your data was transferred in connection with a matter handled by a person who directed this matter to the Administrator, then that person is the source of the data. In such a case, the Administrator receives identification, address, and matter-related data, such as a description of the matter.

Purpose and Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data

Your data may be processed for the purpose of:

  • Analyzing network traffic, ensuring security within the Service, and adapting content to users' needs based on the Administrator's legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR);
  • Providing answers to questions asked, delivering requested offers, and conducting correspondence to handle matters, based on your consent and the Administrator's legitimate interest, which is fulfilling user requests (Article 6(1)(a) and (f) GDPR).

Right to Withdraw Consent

You can withdraw your consent for processing contact data at any time by contacting the Administrator. Withdrawing consent may make it difficult or impossible to contact you.

Obligation or Voluntariness of Data Provision

  • Providing data for purposes related to handling your matter is voluntary but necessary. Failure to provide it may make it difficult or impossible to consider the matter.
  • Providing data necessary for statistical analysis of Service users is voluntary. You can use the so-called incognito mode to browse the site without sharing information about your visit to the Administrator. Using incognito mode, and thus not providing data, does not affect the ability to use the Service.

Rights Resulting from GDPR Regarding Processed Data

You have the right to:

  • Request access to your data from the Administrator, as well as receive a copy of it (Article 15 GDPR);
  • Request the Administrator to rectify or correct data (Article 16 GDPR) - in relation to the request for data rectification, when you notice that the data is incorrect or incomplete;
  • Request the Administrator to delete data (Article 17 GDPR);
  • Request the Administrator to restrict processing (Article 18 GDPR) - e.g., when you notice that the data is incorrect - you can request restriction of processing your data for a period allowing us to verify the correctness of this data);
  • Lodge a complaint regarding the processing of your personal data by the Administrator to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.

Recipients of Your Personal Data

Recipients of your personal data may only be entities that are authorized to receive it under the law. Additionally, your data may be made available to couriers, postal operators, hosting providers, mail server providers, and [Other recipients].

Data Retention Period

Your personal data will be stored until you withdraw consent or until the matter is resolved, and then until the expiration of the limitation period for claims of the parties related to its implementation.

Data related to network traffic analysis collected through cookies and similar technologies may be stored until the cookie expires. Some cookies never expire, so the data retention period will be equivalent to the time necessary for the administrator to achieve the purposes related to data collection, such as ensuring security and analyzing historical data related to site traffic.

Transfer of Data to a Third Country or International Organization

Your data will not be transferred to third countries or international organizations.

Use of Cookies and Similar Technologies

The Service allows collecting information about the user through cookies and similar technologies, the use of which usually involves installing this tool on the user's device (computer, smartphone, etc.). This information is used to remember user decisions (font choice, contrast, policy acceptance), maintain user sessions (e.g., after logging in), remember passwords (with consent), after logging in), remember passwords (with consent), collect information about the user's device and visit to ensure security, but also to analyze visits and customize content.

Information obtained through cookies and similar technologies is not combined with other data of Service users, nor is it used to identify them by the Administrator.

The user has the ability to set the browser to block certain types of cookies and other technologies, for example by specifying that only those that are necessary for the correct display of the page will be allowed. By default, most browsers allow the use of all cookies, however, the user has the option to change these settings at any time, and can also delete already installed cookie files. Each browser enables such action through one of the options available in settings or preferences.

The user also has the option to use the site in the so-called incognito mode, which blocks the possibility of collecting data about their visit.

Using the service without changing browser settings, i.e., with default acceptance of cookies and similar technologies, means consent to their use for the purposes specified above. The Administrator does not use the obtained information for marketing purposes.